To order please call or e-mail Liquip Victoria advising you are interested in purchasing a B.SMART MCBOX FMS. As there are a number of options to consider, our expert team can supply you the correct product for your requirement.
The B.Smart is the new advanced model of the original Piusi MCBOX fuel monitoring system; the electronic control panel that allows you to control any type of AC/DC pump, pulser litre-counter, nozzle and fuel level switches. With the B.SMART MCBOX the B.SMART Fuel Management System (FMS) is integrated.
Piusi B.SMART MCBOX is suitable for different applications and sectors including agriculture, automotive, logistics and heavy industry.
Enriched with a new features that allow greater flexibility (thus maintaining the same high performances) the Piusi B.SMART MCBOX can control and manage up to 2 PUMPS. With a single B.SMART MCBOX it is possible to dispense and check the levels of different tanks, even multi-fluid, in any condition.
B.SMART MCBOX - TWO PUMP INTEGRATION MODE is the perfect solution for any situation with multi-fluid tanks, as a retrofit to already existing installations or ad hoc scenarios at new sites.
What is B.SMART? It is the new simple and intuitive fuel management and monitoring system composed of a software part (App for drivers and a Cloud Software for managers), and a hardware part.
In the PIUSI product line, integrated with B.SMART, you will find MCBOX B.SMART: the fluid monitoring system using Bluetooth technology to send transaction data to the B.SMART phone App to easily manage any fleet, from the smallest to the largest.
No need for software to be installed on a PC: B.SMART works in the Cloud and allows you to monitor all fuel transactions in real time, from any site where MCBOX B.SMART is installed.
Communication between MCBOX B.SMART, Phone App and Cloud Software is simple.
The PIUSI B.SMART MCBOX is now available from Liquip Victoria. It can be purchased as an upgrade to your existing Piusi MCBOX Dispensing System. It can also be a component piece in any number of Piusi's awesome dispensers. Please see the Liquip Victoria product sheet to view the dispensers the B.SMART can be utilised in.